Roman Verostko's Cyber Flowers / off


Cyber Venus

( animated Gif 648 Ko)

At his computer, at her altar
Roman lights images to CyberVenus
Colored points of energy,
Emerging from the electronic sea
Making up the beauty of her curves and cusps
Thomian catastrophes of art
At the level of those things we call quarks
Or - suggestively - electrons and their holes,
Or ones and zeros
A Goddess of love must be
To bless their union, as they celebrate her rites
In the pre-awareness
That we imagine for them, escaping on
Honeymoons in virtuality
On the screen, CyberVenus' forms swell and shrink
Modelling the primitive excitement
Of particles on crowded chips.
But their world is also ours, and our fate the same
At best dimly aware of Venus and her son
Beyond the gates of logic and the world
- Joe Brenner



( animated Gif 568 Ko)