ARTDEATH! - Not in my Name...

Well, with all this laborious speak that Art is dead. Art is so much more than just an idea.
One begins to suspect that it is not Art that is dead, but a reflection on the lack of a learned and intuitive compassion, to be creative for one's own reasons on one's own terms. Art is not killing itself (nor the Artists) but institutions via imposed language & its modernistic cultural agendas (for what ever motive). Who gives a shit if some buffed up, well protected, so called intellectual(s) suddenly decides that Art is dead - Fuck em'. They don't know jack shit other than what's written on the page in front of them. As long as life survives on this patchy, muddy planet, Art will exist. For it does not need market forces or justification by theorists to actually say whether it is dead or not, as they collect their cash for opting out for sensation.

The liberation and freedom, the spirit of using one's creative imagination is far more flexible than mere speculation or trends, whatever form that it becomes. This comforting delusion that Art needs nationhood or cultural interaction is just social construction, an invention. No one owns it, no one can grab it and put it in a box, or place it on a shelf called 'Art'. This nonsensical and de-constructive (destructive) idiocy, is lazy, it is institutional foreplay and easy press, a nihilistic wish to destroy what one does not have or can ever possess. A very masculine process, 'each man kills the thing he loves', springs to mind.

There has always been a historical battle between Art being culturalized by the powers that be. If everyone is so keen to do away with Art, why not give it up and sod off and let the real ones continue, it will certainly live on then. It is a fact that Art as a open ended vista, arena and platform has given space for many creative thinkers to explore new ideas that they would not be able to exploit successfully in any other place - consider that. True, the word itself does not justify the creative process itself, and there has not been another word to replace it yet. If there is, I'd like to know. For me, Art is music, writing, conceptual exploration, independent thought, seeing further than given transcripts, intuitive function and action, poetic realization and of course much more. In fact it is on par with love, it is greater than small minded men/women who want to kill it, it bigger than WARZ....
I say, Pah! To those who are not imaginative enough and are too afraid to be open, and are scared to be part of such intense beauty. It's their loss as they concede to blow away one of humanities very few treasures down a soulless spiral of anal conformity. A suburban idea for a suburban world, harnessed in a cheap 'Gap' black polo neck jumper.

Like most conservatives, if they cannot grasp it, others cannot and will not be aloud to have it or enjoy it. I am no longer interested in cultured dictatorship, by people who do not have what it takes. My Art is real, and so are my convictions and they cannot be dissected by insecure whims, or autistic chauvinistic despots of the Art arena. My vision(s) is and are my own decision(s). If I want to kill my Art, I will but it is not anyone else's decision to do so but mine. For it is a freedom I choose to use whilst going through the lateral process of exploring political, creative ideas, emotional questions, narrative, non narrative (what ever!) And if someone decides by their foolery to get rid of Art, via their sinister and ill-informed mediated institutions, so be it. I will be fighting them with what ever it takes...

Marc Garrett - love reaches further than imposed agendas and warz.......

artist - London, UK