art is death long live interactivity
cart to a hotel, where a local doctor, one John Harlow,
dressed his wounds. As Harlow stuck his inditself
when at the age of 5 years. I went to school like
other children until I was about 11 or 12 years
of age, when the greatest misfortune of my
life occurred, namely the death of my mother.
Peace to her, she was a good mother to me..

nothingness in art is not nothingness
Leviathan and anarchy world
with recordings of Anton Webern
and no noise-only-sound-

or let us say, predictable
nature-nothing-section in
the fungi-mind of 24 seconds
and the fiction-related-members
of imitation

card game
limiting the potential
arrangement of human nature
all things are explained to them
the expression
insupportable twelve-tone serialism "Free Style"
for example
sublime intervals or
thousand bitter melancholy attachments
to the world
Together with my defojourney through his brain.
In place of the diligent, dependable worker stood
a foulmouthed and ill-manneredd b and the we
got to Beijing
driven into a corner
a lession in they showmen
during his early life,
and for a time was shown
in Whitechapel Road, where
his exhibition was stoppecl
by the police. He was afterward shown in Belgium,
Cars and imAges of
stenuous clambering
unkempt Grey hair
exclusively devoted to concentration
Very peaceful, very seductive.
the garbage of life remains
You haven't handled them.
positive thinking or affirmations;
the gas in the garbage increases
extensive orchards
the rounded tops of apple-trees
Nature's bounty,
Corn and grain, potatoes, peaches,
melons, etc.,
riverside blossoms inexplicable,
Gone ten days drinking.
I find only an empty bed.


empty Journey what's
Humour of and was there plundered
of all his savings. The gruesome
spectacle he presented ostracized him
from the pleasures of friendship and
society, and sometimes interfered with
his travels. On one occasion a steamboat
captain refused to take him as a passenger.
Treves exhibited him twice before the
Pathological Society of Lond
Just an escape from the room
in windOws
wHat absolong tv
that room we All lirmities,
she was the means of making my life
a perfect misery. I was taunted and
sneered at so that I would not go home
to my meals, and used to stay in
the streets with a hungry belly
rather than return for anything to eat."
Taken from -'The life and adventures
of Joseph Carey Merrick' byex fingers
into the holes in Gage's face and head
until their tips met, the meeting in
San José, Ministers recommended to
their Heads of State and Government
the initiation of negotiations and
set out the structure and general
principles and objectives to guide
the negotiations.

he could walk, speak, and demonstrate normal
awareness of his surroundings. But the
character of the man did not survive
the tamping rod's ve in
where so much has Gone wrong
europE or america installation

for proJected images and sound based on

chance Operationsnd out
the top of his skull. The rod landed
several yards away, and Gage fell back
in a convulsive heap. Yet a moment
later he stood up and spoke; his
fellow workers watched, aghast,
then drove himfrom my sense of
invention and i try not
to repeat the tHings i alreaations
between body
and turbulent imAges
static imaGesew so heavy
that at length he had great difficulty
in holding it up. He slept in a sitting or
crouching position, with his hands
clasped over his legs, and his
head on his kn liar given to extravagant schemes

in that foNt and size see page
19 for information

Calls back th after the last line

night frAmes of

in the sense of tHe tyranny
exerted by money images of
a bottle falliNg from the
beariNg in mindid his friends,
"was no longer Gage.
This past year neurobiologists
Hanna sities seems to have been
destroyed," Harlow wrote.
But nineteenth-century science had
a hard tim by oxon. His affection
was not elephantiasis, but a complication
of congenital hypertrophy of certain bones
and pachydermatocele and papilloma of
the skin. From his youth he suffered from a
disease of the left hipjoint. The papillary
masses developed on the skin of the back,
buttock, and occiput. In the right pectoral
and posterior aspect of the right axillary
region, and over the buttocks, the affected
skin hung in heavy pendulous flaps. His
left arm was free from disease. His

my necessity
cOmes e accepting the
notion that a dollop of gray
jelly could govern something so
transcendent as social behavior.
"Harlow was never given much credit,"
says Antonio Damasio. "Some people
didn't even believe that Gage's
story had ever happened.
So the Damasios decided, 130
years after the fact, to do an
autopsy--to track down where,
exactly, the damage in Gage's
brain had occurred. Guided by
anatomic clues on Gage's battered
skull, now preserved in the Warren
Medical Museum at Harvard, Hanna Da
He wo
he letters
and marks one Occasional
information sharing
Her prime caand
Antonio Damasio of the University of
Iowa finally pinpointed what Gage
had lost. The Damasios had loorest speaks
without pausinG
undrEssed ideal

10 John milton cage jr.
was born on sept. 5, 1912 in
los angeles the echo is
to some extent an Original sound
be they have nothing

important to Communicateartng
been interested in the case; in the
intervening century it had become a
classic in neurology textbooks. The
scientific interest had begun with
John Harlow, who on hearing of
Gage's death in an epileptic fit
13 years after the accident persuaded
the family to exhume the remains and
donate the skull to medical research.
Harlow believed that the change in
Gage's personality had been wrought
by damage to the frontal lobes of the
brain. "The equilibrium . . . between
his intellectual faculties and animal
propen four Cities
Compass in itself a sign of
the eArth's magnetism few composers
pursued more riGorously the goal of
tip of an iCeberg invention owed
confiding sAndwichman
strong flush aliGnment

a soul
the regulator of a regulator of the soul
two souls
imagination of non-sequential narrative
with "Uncle Empty" as poetry
formed bio-directional links of
three souls
apologetic tradition
complications and styles or
language for signs
considered on its own images for intertextuality
now, touch the female body!
who paid the parts of YOUR body?

Ralph Lichtensteiger

artist - Frankfurt, Deutschland