art is dead...
some say "video is not art". if video is not art and so many artists use video in making their work, the question is- are they making art? who is the judge? if you say "no",there is another question- what is it then? if you do not know the name- is the art dead at once?
digitally manipulated photos aren't photos? theatre on the net is not a theatre? a painting where suger has been used instead of oil color is not "real painting"?
is "real" meaning "alive"?
there is a day when all the words have been said and all the things have been done. it happens. your imagination is "used", inner impulses are nearly gone.
what will you do? you look around. you look at other people's work.
does it matter where are the roots of your ideas and what exactly are they?
everything is used already. your idea has at least one stepsister/brother somewhere.

art is dead?
when you do not like "nowadays art" it does not mean "art is dead", it may be "dead" just for you.
so what, art is dead. you do what you have/want to do,anyway. you do not care if someone says the thing
you do is bullshit. then why care if someone says- art is dead?
and who says that it is art that is dead? perhaps it is just a nasty neighbour you hate?

Dagmar Kase

multimedia, web, video, & theatre artist - Tallinn, Estonie