tell a mouse Web ring :: 1997 - 2017------------------------------ © Belgique / EU


Tamara Laï bio

International surveys & more... Participative Collaborative...

Entre happening et art éphemère... Between Happening and Ephemeral art



You need:

SAFARI or FIREFOX :: Plug ins : Shockwave + Flash + RealPlayer + AcrobatReader + Quicktime + Windows media player ::

Attention :: Ces sites contiennent des fenêtres Pop up ! / Warning :: Pop ups on these sites !



looking for QI in China - 2009 / 2010 web log :::::::


a Terra sacrificada - 2006 / 2008 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


sacrifier le Sacrifice sacrificing - 2005 / 2008 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


no_future baby? - 2008 Cyber poem :: interactive shocked Movie Net art ::::::


my_virtual_body - 2005 / 2006 Cyber poems :: Net art :::::::


how beautiful we are! - 2004 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


mind_transfer - 2003 / 2005 Cyber poems :: interactive shocked & javascript Movies Net art :::::::


solenoïdes - 2003 Cyber poems :: interactive shocked Movies Net art :::::::


guest solenoïdes - 2004 / 2005 Cyber poems :: interactive shocked Movies / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


web_of_lies - 2003 Cyber poems :: interactive shocked Movies Net art :::::::


T-deus Pour faire un portrait de Dieu / To make the portrait of God - 2003 / 2005 ::::::: Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


URBANGS peur dans la ville / fear in town - 2002 / 2003 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


art-death :: enquête international(e) survey - 2001 / 2002 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


ex post factum Music Poetry Images Philosophy - 2001 / 2002 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


ça c'est joli ! Web memorial pour / to Jacques Louis & Danielle NYST - 2001 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


w.a.r / répertoire francophone - repertory - 2001 / 2006 :::::::


corps absent / absent body - 2000 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::

virtual addict - 1999 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


enchainme @ - 1999 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art :::::::


baratta d'après le mythe vishnouite -1999 Networked project :: Participative / Collaborative Web & Net art ::::::




protodigital How was it before the Web2.0 - 2017... facebook group :::::::


tell a mouse best of - 2016 / 2017 blog :::::::


WANDER WEB TV - 2012 / 2015 Participative web television / topic : wandering :::::::


artel noir contre la marée noire de l'Erika / against Erika oil stick + contre la peur :: en soutien à Radiophare (Breizh, FR) 2000 Web & Net art :::::::


symbolic voyage - 1997 shockwave movies :: Net art :::::::



web design & master

© Tamara LAI